Restaurant (Refectory)※ |
Pub (Falstaff Pub)※ |
Tea Room (Ascot Tea Room)※ |
Souvenir Shop (Victorian Alley)※ |
Reception※ |
Section3-1※ |
Please tell us about your motivation for living and working in Japan / British Hills.
Section3-2※ |
Do you have any skills that you would be willing to teach guests or other staff members?
Section3-3※ |
British Hills is about 40 minutes from the nearest town and transportation is limited. This can mean if you have an evening off you may be restricted to staying on-site. How do you feel you will handle this situation?
Section3-4※ |
How do you feel about having limited access to Japanese culture and language experience while working at British Hills?
Section3-5※ |
Because of the live-in nature of working at British Hills, even when you are off duty you are expected to maintain a professional attitude and dress tidily (in guest areas). How do you feel about this?
Section3-6※ |
What is your personal philosophy of excellent customer service?
Section3-7※ |
I have 40 applicants for 4 positions at British Hills. Convince me why you should be selected for the position.
Section3-8※ |
Describe your future career / life plans
Section3-9※ |
When would you be available to start should your application be successful? (If you do not already hold a working holiday visa, please note it may take up to 4 weeks to process an application.)